Spice & Wolf Wiki

Elsa Schtingheim ( ) appears for the first time on Volume 4 and is presented as responsible of the church in the village of Tereo. She is an exceptional case for having a woman taking the post, due to being chosen for training by Father Franz and the lack of personnel after his death.


Elsa Schtingheim is portrayed as a young girl of shorter stature, with tightly bound-up dark brown hair, and honey yellow eyes, wearing a long-sleeved priest's robe. Her appearance is also characterized by a layer of freckles along the top of her nose and under her eyes, accentuated bangs due to the tightly bound hair, and a wooden pendant of the church's symbol which is worn around her neck.


Elsa is first introduced as cold, suspicious and unwelcoming, questioning Lawrence and Holo on their visit to the church and even lying about her knowledge of Diendran Abbey. Said attitude is mostly a consequence of the situation of the village and their dislike towards the church. She is later revealed to be Gyoam Evan´s lover which together with her expending time with Lawrence and Holo makes her show a more soft and caring side. She desires to protect her village and would go to the extent of risking her life in doing so. She desires for people to be rightful and behave correctly and therefore condemns Holo for her carefree way of acting, this takes more color once she meets Tote Col during Volume 14 and starts teaching him how to behave properly, challenging Holo´s authority.


